Duration: 1/10/2022– 30/09/2025
Change toolkit for digital building permit project
The aim of CHEK is to take away barriers for municipalities to adopt digital building permit processes by developing, connecting and aligning scalable solutions for regulatory and policy context, for open standards and interoperability (geospatial and BIM), for closing knowledge gaps through education, for renewed municipal processes and for technology deployment in order to reach TRL 7. CHEK will do this by providing an innovative kit of both methodological and technical tools to digitize building permitting and automated compliance checks on building designs and renovations in European urban areas and regions.
CHEK will develop Digital Building Permit process, New technologies, Open standards-based data exchange. This requires: (1) aligning available digital technologies to municipal process, enabling new methods and business models; (2) development of data Open standards, including Building Information Models (BIM), 3D city models and reciprocal integration (GeoBIM); (3) up/re-skilling officers and users; (4) improving, aligning and integrating technology; (5) realizing and demonstrating scalability. The project consortium gathers 19 partners from 12 European countries, and it is coordinated by Technical University of Delft from the Netherlands.The projectisco-funded by Horizon Europe.